Don’t Do Business with G4S – Lobby Sheffield City Council 2nd July 1pm
South Yorkshire Stop G4S will be lobbying the next meeting of Sheffield City Council at the Town Hall on Wednesday 2nd July to tell them “Dont Do Business With G4S”.
Any public body, including councils can exclude companies from bidding for contracts (within the law) if a company has committed “grave misconduct”. There are no shortage of examples of “grave misconduct” from G4S globally. This briefing from UNITE the union and Stop G4S summarises some of them and explains the 2006 Public Contracts Regulations under which public bodies have a right and a responsibility to exclude abusive companies like G4S from bidding processes. Already, a number of universities and trade unions in the UK have barred G4S from bidding for contracts on these grounds. Sheffield City Council (and other local authorities) should do the same.
Get G4S out of our city
Join us for a lobby of the Council at Sheffield Town Hall on Wednesday 2nd July at 1pm. We will be presenting a petition with 300 signatures (as well as our online petition which you can sign here). We will be speaking and asking questions from the public gallery.
We urge others to lobby their City Councils and Local Authorities to stop G4S getting any more public money given their record of “grave misconduct” in the UK and globally. Feel free to use or adapt our leaflet summarising G4S’ abusive and incompetent record. You can download it here Stop G4S Sheffield Council leaflet
For more information see the Stop G4S website which has detailed information on potential G4S contracts with various public bodies and how to challenge them.